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Ego paradox in Computer Science Philosophy

Everything in the universe is moving. Computer Science Philosophy, is a term i never listened before, nor searched about. But Computer Science Philosophy is simply in parallel to the concept of mathematics philosophy, a philosophy direction, straight to the heart of mathematics. So why not make Computer Science Philosophy a thing. So lets simply try to look with a philosophic view a scientific concept of informatics (computer science). In this article we will talk about the ego and what happens in computer memory when a ego like behavior is applied.

So lets me introduce you to my way of thinking. If you are taught about computer science or not i will try to explain it as simple as it could be. One of the main aspects of a computer is its memory. Memory that we store our songs, movies or anything else. This memory has two primary ways of allocation. Imagine boxes in sequence, one box after another that can store data, our well known favorites 0 and 1. The first type of allocation is static memory so that a computer reads from memory what’s inside each box in sequence understanding in a way what is stored in terms of value inside a sequence of boxes. So lets say for example 10 boxes of memory containing either 0 or 1, could potentially be storing the value sequence 0100100001.

The second way to allocate the memory is called Dynamic. Static memory as explained above is storing “VALUES” into a straight line of boxes without missing any or makes jumps. On the other hand, dynamic memory allocation is all about jumps, so instead of storing values into a straight line it is simply introducing the concept of reference. Reference is happening when a box is pointing to another box far away instead of pointing to the next. So lets say we have 50 boxes of memory, and we have the second box pointing to the 48th box instead of containing a value itself. So the whole concept is all about values and references so in our example if 1st box contains 1 and 2nd box contains reference to 48th and 48 contains 0 the sequence would go like 10… and the next should be the value of 49th box until it revisits a reference again.

Now to the philosophy part. What would happen if a box contains a reference that is not pointing to another box but to the box containing the reference itself. what happens then ? what would be the value of the box itself ? would it be a value or reference? or maybe a value with is a reference to the value which value would again be a reference to the value and it would keep going for ever? Yes indeed, it would go on an infinite loop. So where exactly is the value of that particular box and could i ask is it even a valid reference? Seems to not make sense right? That is happening cause we’ve just encountered a paradox, a paradoxical situation which forms an infinite loop,

This paradox is the simple form of logical paradox, the ego self reference, another form of this paradox a little more complicated is the one that Plato and Socrates took part in. I don’t remember exactly if Plato asked Socrates or the opposite, Lets say Plato is the one who asked Socrates. So lets say Plato asked Socrates the following: “Socrates is always saying the truth. what do you Socrates have to say about this” and Socrates replied: “Plato is always lying”. If you deeply think about it it’s infinite loop again , cause if Plato is lying then Socrates is saying lies, but then if Socrates is lying that Plato is lying then Plato says the truth. What truth ? that Socrates says the truth. but if Socrates says truth then Plato is lying… Oh boy, a logical paradox. Its is a tree of 2 different logical states in each leaf expanding to infinity. and after each leaf there are two children that contain another two pairs of the two logical state of minds and so on to infinity.

In our example of the most simple logical paradox the self reference of a memory box that points to its self, we can see what happens when dynamic memory seems to be working under the effect of “ego” in a way. It breaks the chain, going straight to infinity without sense, trapped into an infinite loop without being able to serve a purpose. If you are a programmer you deeply know that when you are trying to make a program work and an infinite loop appears – “oh no…” is the most common reaction, cause the programs breaks , its not working, Our favorite much hated blue screen of death for example. In other words the system crashes. Universe itself is trying to teach us how bad ego really is through something we have created ourselves, the computers. Imagine how deep this is if its indeed my targeted philosophical view of this a universal value presented to us so well and beautiful, divine, through Computer Science Philosophy.

So a way to view this would be in order for a program to make sense, memory needs to be in order and COOPERATE with alignment to the cosmical purpose, in order to create result, beauty, in other words, creation its self requires these values and ego must be eliminated in order for one to achieve true fulfillment beauty and true evolution to the eternal cosmic awareness, whatever this would mean to you, however you may understand this example. I think we all agree that learning to operate as a team between individuals is a value of great significance, a true skill that describes leaders the best. Every teacher used to be a student and every student is sometimes a teacher potentially on the other side, its the duality of things, another great value that seems to be fundamental for the universe, a universal truth. I am always attracted to this cosmically significance values and only fee words can describe them: Sacred Divine holy. Its mathematics themselves really a fundamental way of the universe to express its true nature and we have much to learn its my opinion.

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